Tuesday, 3 March 2015

La Luna Is Popular For Restaurant Cadre Élégant (Stylish Restaurant Framework)

La Luna is a leading seafood restaurant in Paris with restaurant cadre elégant (stylish restaurant framework) and a variety of delicious dishes. Catherine Delaunay, the owner of the restaurant was elected as the “Hostess of the Year” by Gilles Pudlowski in the Guide Pudlo Paris in the year 2007. She is committed to offering exceptional services to its diners, as she has a team of dedicated people, who ensure that the orders of their customers are served quickly. All the shellfish and fish are selected by Catherine, and are prepared using exceptional culinary skills by Michel Choisnel.

At our restaurant, you can have a wide selection of yummy starters, desserts, wines, and main courses. Our scrumptious main courses, include Grosse Sole meuniere Noirmoutier (about 550g) (Large "Sole meinière" from Noirmoutier "(fished from our coasts) (550gr), Seared Swordfish with figs, lamb with thyme jus (Seared Swordfish with figs, lamb juice with thyme), Roasted Lobster with Ratte potatoes, crispy bacon (Lobster stew with crispy bacon and rat Patatoes), Saint-Jacques depending on the mood of the day (Scallops selon the chef's inspiration), and Clams in the Gulf of Morbihan Swimming Coriander and Lemon Grass (Clams from Gulf of Morbihan "swimming" in coriander and lemongrass).

La Luna also offers a variety of finger licking grilled fish over the coals. At this restaurant cadre elégant (stylish restaurant framework), you can enjoy 3 Oyster specials Gillardeau 2, 4 Oyster Princess Specials Kermancy, 3 Clams, 3 Prairies and Whelks (3huîtres Special Gillardeau 2, 4 special oysters Princess Kermancy 4, 3 Clams, 3 and Prairie Bulot) (Seafood Platter), and Fish Line of the Atlantic, simply grilled for two people Fruit Plate Sea.

Catherine Delaunay hosted ardently committed this restaurant, right from the starting to the finest Produits De La Mer (products from the sea). For more information about La Luna and the dishes offered by it, you can visit its official website at http://www.restaurantlaluna.com

La Luna Offers Quality Gastronomie De Poissons (Fish food) For Its Guests

La Luna is counted amongst the best fish restaurants in Paris, and is one of the most visited places for those people who love to eat a variety of seafood. Michel Choisnel is our expert chef who uses his wonderful culinary skills to prepare different scrumptious dishes. Located in a breathtaking location, our restaurant is the right place for individuals who want to enjoy cuisine fraicheur (food freshness) at pocket friendly prices. La Luna rates high in terms of the finest quality food, ambiance, services, prices, and many other things. We are committed to offering the best fish dishes prepared with the finest quality, safe ingredients that are sure to drive your taste buds. 

We have a long list of menu to offer to our guests, which is categorized into main courses, starters, desserts, and wines. In addition to gastronomie de poissons (fish food), we specialized in preparing many other dishes using other seafood, for instance, lobster, oyster, etc. Among the entries, we offer a crisp, delicious small Tartar of salmon, pancake lobster, foie gras, mullet or a slice of raw prawns, and sea bream. In starters, we offer Sea Bream tartare and sweet soy sauce (Sea bream tartar with Asian flavored soy sauce), 6 Oysters "Gillardeau" Special # 2 (6 oysters "Gillardeau" Special # 2), Bar carpaccio with pink grapefruit (Sea bass carpaccio with pink grapefruit), Sardines in oil on his vintage Potato Galette (Vintage Sardines in oil served with patato pancakes), and Cream of Chanterelles, and Dumpling Lobster (Cream of Chanterelles, quenelle of lobster).

At our restaurant, you will be served gastronomie de poissons (fish food) that is hot and fresh, and is served at your table within a few minutes. If you have any queries, you can contact us at 01 42 93 77 61, or can visit our official website at http://www.restaurantlaluna.com/

Monday, 22 December 2014

Visit La Luna For A Delicious Seafood Starter Treat

Are you looking for a restaurant where you can have the delight of eating appetizing seafood? If yes, then you can visit La Luna, one of the top restaurants de poissons (top fish restaurants) in Paris. We are dedicated to offering you tasty, healthy seafood, including fish, oyster, etc. One of the most significant factors of our restaurant is the atmosphere that we provide to our customers.

The owner of our restaurant, Catherine Delaunay has won the “Hostess of the Year” award in the year 2007 by Gilles Pudlowski. She ensures that only top quality ingredients are used while cooking any dish, and pays special attention to the quality of food served to her customers. Our chef Michel Choisnel is the master in the art of perfect cooking, and is skilled in cooking beautiful, tempting seafood dishes depending on the occasions and seasons. This restaurant gastronomique poisons (gourmet fish restaurant) is very popular among seafood lovers, as it serves not only dishes made of fish, but of oyster, lobster, etc. as well. The chefs in our restaurant used a variety of ingredients, so that their customers can have experience the best, succulent seafood.

We offer an array of delicious starters, which include Tartare de Daurade Royale et sa sauce soja douce ( Sea bream tartar with Asian flavored soy sauce ), 6 Huîtres "Gillardeau" Spéciales n°2 ( 6 oysters " Gillardeau " Speciales n°2 ), Sardines à l'huile Millésimées sur sa Galette de pomme de terre ( Sardines in vintage oil served with patato pancakes ), Carpaccio de Bar au pamplemousse roses ( Sea bass carpaccio with pink grapefruit ), and Velouté de Girolles, quenelle de Homard ( Cream of Chanterelles, quenelle of lobster ). Michel Choisnel also offers a unique dish for her customers that include a small Tartar of salmon, crispy pancake lobster, foie gras, and mullet or a slice of raw prawns and sea bream. For more information about our restaurant, you can call us at 01 42 93 77 61, or can visit http://www.restaurantlaluna.com/.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

La Luna Offers A Wide Variety Of Succulent Seafood Dishes

La Luna is a leading restaurant de poisson in Paris (fish restaurant in Paris) that has been serving delicious, fresh, healthy, and affordable seafood, since many years. Catherine Delaunay is the owner of this restaurant, and is committed to offering the best dining experience to her customers in the most comfortable environment. In the year 2007, she was elected as the “Hostess of the Year” by Gilles Pudlowski in the Guide Pudlo Paris. Michel Choisnel is a highly experienced chef at our restaurant who is skilled in preparing a range of scrumptious dishes, and adding a unique taste and texture to them.

Our restaurant has many things to offer to our customers who like to eat mouth watering seafood. We have tempting starters, main courses, desserts, and wines. Our menu includes various types of succulent dishes, including La Petite pêche de La Luna à 50€, 6 huîtres Spéciales "Pincesse de Kermancy" n°4, ou ( 6 Oster Special " Kermancy Princess" n°4, or ), Coques au beurre de ciboulette, Tartare de Saumon iodé ( Salmon tartare with iodized salt ), Palourdes de Pêche Française, brûles doigts, ou ( French Fishing clams " burn fingers ", or ), Sauté d'Espadon aux saveurs d'Asie, ou ( Sauted Swordfish with flavors of Asia, or ), Filets de Daurade aux tomates et citrons confits ( Roasted Sea bream with tomatoes and lemons, oil Condied), Saumon Mariné juste snaké, ou ( Marinated Salmon slightly grilled, or ), Mini Baba au rhum, ou ( Mini rum Babas, or ), Sorbet et son Alcool, ou ( Sorbet and alcohol, or ), Poire rôtie, glace Vanille ( Roasted pear, Vanilla ice cream ), and more.

Le vrai Baba De Zanzibar is the most popular dessert of our restaurant. Other yummy desserts that we offer include Croustillant de Saint Marcellin au thym, Assortiment de sorbets par " Terre Adelice", Glace trés crémeuse maison, Crêpes Suzette fourrées à l'orange, Café gourmand, Crème brulée à la vanille bourbon, and Moëlleux au Chocolat noir "Cluizel". For more information about the dishes that we serve, visit http://www.restaurantlaluna.com/.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Visit La Luna To Enjoy Fresh, Mouth Watering Cuisine Poisson (Fish Food)

If you are a seafood lover, visit us at La Luna, where we offer a wide variety of fresh, mouth-watering Cuisine Poisson (fish food) dishes at a great price. Each of the dishes in our tempting menu has been prepared using the highest quality ingredients to make sure they pose no threat to your  health. One of the best things about our dishes is that they have a perfect balance of the spices, herbs, and other ingredients. While preparing them, our chefs, who specialize in Gastronomie De Poissons (gastronomy from fish) make sure to accent the natural flavors of the sea without overwhelming them.

We have presented our tempting menu in four main divisions – Starters, Main Courses, Desserts, and Wines. While the starters include fresh and light recipes, such as – Prawns with Coconut Mascarpone Cream, Gazpacho with cake, spicy orange sorbet, Squid and Grilled Vegetables Marinated Italian, etc; our main course has Poached Monkfish with Saffron, Eagle Bar roast stewed beans and bacon, Lobster Stew with Vegetables, and some other interesting dishes for you.

To complete your delicious seafood treat in a great way, we offer you a wide variety of desserts. Some of the main sweet dishes you can find in this section are – Crispy Saint Marcellin thyme, Very creamy ice house, Crepes Suzette filled with orange, Creme brulee with bourbon vanilla, The real Baba Zanzibar, Assorted sorbets with "Earth Adelice", Mellow black Chocolate "Cluizel", and many more. For wine connoisseurs, we have a splendid selection of wines from all around the world.

Apart from a wonderful menu, we are widely known for our pristine location and excellent seating arrangement, which make us a great place for get-togethers with friends, family dinners, and even business lunches. To know more about us, feel free to browse through our official website i.e. http://www.restaurantlaluna.com/.

La Luna Is Highly Recognized For Their Focus On Cuisine Fraicheur (Food Freshness)

There is nothing more unsatisfying than going to a seafood restaurant, only to discover that the fish you are offered was frozen between being caught & being served to you. To make sure you never have to experience something like this, we – at La Luna use the freshest and highest quality ingredients to prepare all our dishes. Our focus on Cuisine Fraicheur (food freshness) has won us a great reputation among locals as well as tourists, who visit us to enjoy tasty, fresh seafood.

To serve you fresh Cuisine De Poissons (fish from the kitchen) to your plate in minutes, Master of the art of cooking – Choisnel Michel himself prepares every dish in our state-of-the-art kitchen.. To welcome you, escort you to your table, take your order, and promptly deliver it; we have also hired a team of courteous and hard working staff members. They are highly dedicated and spare no effort to make sure that you receive an unprecedented level of service from their end.

At La Luna, we believe that good food should not come at a great price, or else it can only be enjoyed by the rich. Unlike many other fish restaurants in the city, we offer most of our dishes at an extremely reasonable price. This affordable pricing has been deliberately done to make sure people with all sorts of budget range can enjoy our delicious seafood without bothering about the expense.

Besides top quality food and service, some of the other things that we are highly acknowledged about are – the breathtaking location, magnificent interiors, and comfortable seating in our restaurant. If you want to know more about our restaurant, feel free to browse through our official website i.e. http://www.restaurantlaluna.com/.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Restaurant La Luna Is Among the Best Restaurants Tendance in Paris

Restaurant La Luna is the favorite choice of food enthusiasts for experiencing the best sea food. One of the restaurants tendance (trendy restaurants), Restaurant La Luna serves top class sea foods ranging from fish to crabs to oysters. Every day, guests from different parts of the world visit this amazing restaurant and enjoy their food in the most amiable atmosphere. Michel Choisnel, Master Chef of the restaurant, is passionate about cuisine fraicheur (cooking fresh). He not only cooks and serves the dishes but considers it as an art where he accomplishes perfect dishes with delicious associations, depending on seasons and opportunities.

At restaurant La Luna, guests will experience the rich gleams of Paris while enjoying the best sea foods. Catherine Delaunay has animated the restaurant with her passion and she has been elected as “Hostess” of the year by Gilles Pudlanski in the 'Guide Pudlo Pans 2007'. Restaurant La Luna serves the best quality, delicious and mouth watering dishes in the most pleasant surroundings. It is known for providing warmth and the best hospitality to the guests.

This restaurant tendance (trendy restaurant) is known as an ambassador of sea foods over the past few years. Some of the famous dishes served here include Daurade Royale aux citrons et tomates confits (sea bream with lemon and tomato confit), Poissons grillés sur la braise (grilled fish on the coals) Poissons de Ligne de l'Atlantique, simplement grilles (line fish of the Atlantic, simply grilled) and lots more. The restaurant also serves the best desserts that cover Saint Marcellin rôti au thym (cheese "Saint marcellin" roasted with thyme), Glace trés crémeuse maison (ice cream very creamy homemade), Café gourmand (gourmet coffee), Craquant de poires au caramel Salé (crispy cake with salted caramel and pears) and lots more. Their Le vrai Baba de Zanzibar that implies the real Rum of Zanzibar has won the heart of thousands of guests. For more details, please browse through www.restaurantlaluna.com.